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<BR>A million thanks!....I finally used a 4 mike setup..1 kick, one snare, and 2 overheads....and I pretty much followed the oeverheads advice on the site you mentionned....<BR>
Stellar results!<BR>
Used a ksm32 bhind the drummer, and a baby bottle in front, at cymbal height....that mike is moody and has a very narrow sweet spot, but MAN! are the results rewarding!<BR>
spiced the mix up with extra snare and kick, and voila!.....never been happyer!<BR>
ill throw a stereo mix of the drum in jamin, compress it a bit....maybe a touch more highs too, and ittl be the most IN YOUR FACE drums ill ever record!<BR>
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!<BR><br /><hr />Découvre une destination de Noël magique. <a href='http://demandeauperenoel.ca/?icid=NOELFRCA005' target='_new'>Visite demandeauperenoel.ca dès aujourd'hui!</a></body>