.hmmessage P
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for me, its sooo eclectic I dont know where to start.<BR>
um.. in no particular order:<BR>
apocalyptica, SOD, ministry, deep purple, eric lapointe, Joranne, Satrianni, bethooven, shostacovitch, led zeppelin, pink floyd, lhasa, orange range, hendrix, pre 93 metallica, loudness, gwar (but only live), clapton, cream, u2, Albert king, BB king.....and much much more!<BR>
<BR>I have almost complete collections of<BR>
deeep purple, hendrix, System Of a Down, apocalyptica, and pink floyd....so I guess they are my favorites.<BR>
cheers!<BR><br /><hr />Envoie un sourire, fais rire, amuse-toi! <a href='http://www.emoticonesgratuites.ca/?icid=EMFRCA120' target='_new'>Employez-le maintenant!</a></body>