Karlheinz, I managed installing and running Xubuntu in an old Pentium MMX (233 Mhz!). Right, it was not that wow performance, but it ran at least...<br><br>Now, for video and audio applications, I think it might de difficult to run, because those applications are just memory and resource eaters... :-)<br><br>good luck,<br><br>Zevang<br><br><br><b><i>Karlheinz Noise <khzmusik@hotmail.com></i></b> escreveu:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> >Please, your processor is awfull - you never going to make it. You<br>>really need at least Pentium4 with 1 G memory. Then you can expect<br>>something happening.<br>><br>>There are some Linux distros to work on that prcosessor, try them, but<br>>forget audio or video programs<br><br>So, let me get this straight - the computer I've been using for mastering, <br>for years now, using Win2K, is too old to use with LINUX? You're telling me
<br>I cant even install the OS on the machine?<br><br>That seems hard to believe. My impression was that Linux was much more <br>resource-friendly than Windows of any flavor.<br><br>In any case, this isn't going to be my "work" machine. I'm buying a new <br>computer to put in the studio, I just wanted to learn the software before I <br>jumped in and made the switch. And since this computer is a hair's breath <br>away from being a doorstop, I figured I'd use it for training wheels.<br><br>On a different subject - does the Ubuntu Studio installation allow for a <br>dual-boot? Or do you have to use a third-party OS loader and put Win/Linux <br>on seperate partitions?<br><br>Sorry for the newbie questions.<br><br>-Karlheinz<br>_______________________<br>http://www.khznoise.com<br><br>_________________________________________________________________<br>Picture this – share your photos and you could win big!
<br>http://www.GETREALPhotoContest.com?ocid=TXT_TAGHM&loc=us<br><br><br>-- <br>Ubuntu-Studio-users mailing list<br>Ubuntu-Studio-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-users<br></blockquote><br><p> 
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