[ubuntu-studio-users] a little question about qtractor with raysession

Roy Damen roydamen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 13:41:13 UTC 2024

No matter how i try, ray won't start qtractor with gui if i start it as
nsm. It is ok if i run it from outside and save the connections in
raysession so i leave it like this. But if someone could confirm that this
is also the case on another 24.04 computer then i know where to look and
take my questions to Rui.

For the rest it is working as supposed on my crazy machine but press one to
button too much and an earthquake can be started sometimes..

For the first time i can run qtractor for home-routing and record in ardour
and even my crappy usb card accepts 128 buffers now.

O and a big thanks to Erich for showing me the door,

UbuntuStudio forever,

Roy Damen
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