[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 197, Issue 1
Juan Del Castillo Gómez
juandcg314 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 10:27:43 UTC 2024
Dear Community,
Which hardware is compatible with the new release?
Are there any specific laptop?
I am thinking about graphics compatibility as most critical issue.
And I am also interested in low-latency-kernel issues.
El vie., 12 abr. 2024 2:44, <ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS Beta Released (Erich Eickmeyer)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:43:28 -0500
> From: Erich Eickmeyer <eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com>
> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com,
> ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS Beta Released
> Message-ID: <84075541-e2c5-4335-9b38-7e4552bdb18e at ubuntu.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the beta release of Ubuntu
> Studio 24.04 LTS, codenamed “Noble Numbat”.
> While this beta is reasonably free of any showstopper installer bugs,
> you will find some bugs within. This image is, however, mostly
> representative of what you will find when Ubuntu Studio 24.04 is
> released on April 25, 2024.
> Special Notes
> The Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS disk image (ISO) exceeds 4 GB and cannot be
> downloaded to some file systems such as FAT32 and may not be readable
> when burned to a DVD. For this reason, we recommend downloading to a
> compatible file system. When creating a boot medium, we
> recommendcreating a bootable USB stick
> <https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#1-overview>with
> the ISO image or burning to a Dual-Layer DVD.
> Images can be obtained from this
> link:https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/24.04/beta/
> Full updated information, including*Upgrade Instructions,*are available
> in the*Release Notes
> <https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-24-04-LTS-release-notes/>*.
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/Beta/UbuntuStudio>
> *Please note that upgrading before the release of 24.04.1,**due August
> 2024, is unsupported.*
> New Features This Release
> * *PipeWire*continues to improve with every release and is so robust
> it can be used for professional and prosumer use. Version 1.0.4
> * *Ubuntu Studio Installer*‘s included*Ubuntu Studio Audio
> Configuration
> <https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/#audioconfig
> >*utility
> for fine-tuning the PipeWire setup or changing the configuration
> altogether now includes the ability to create or remove a dummy
> audio device. Version 1.9
> Major Package Upgrades
> * *Ardour*version 8.4.0
> * *Qtractor*version 0.9.39
> * *OBS Studio*version 30.0.2
> * *Audacity*version 3.4.2
> * *digiKam*version 8.2.0
> * *Kdenlive*version 23.08.5
> * *Krita*version 5.2.2
> There are many other improvements, too numerous to list here. We
> encourage you to look around the freely-downloadable ISO image.
> Known Issues
> * Ubuntu Studio’s classic PulseAudio-JACK configuration cannot be used
> on Ubuntu Desktop (GNOME) due to a known issue with the
> ubuntu-desktop metapackage. (LP: #2033440
> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/2033440>)
> * We now discourage the use of the aforementioned classic
> PulseAudio-JACK configuration as PulseAudio is becoming deprecated
> with time in favor of PipeWire. PipeWire’s JACK configuration can be
> disabled to use JACK2 via QJackCTL for advanced users.
> * Due to the Ubuntu repositories being in-flux following the time_t
> transition and xz-utils security issue resolution, some items in the
> repository are uninstallable or causing other packaging conflicts.
> The Ubuntu Release Team is working around the clock to help resolve
> these issues, so patience is required.
> Official Ubuntu Studio release notes can be found
> athttps://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-24-04-LTS-release-notes/
> Further known issues, mostly pertaining to the desktop environment, can
> be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NobleNumbat/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu
> Additionally, the main Ubuntu release notes contain more generic
> issues:https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes/39890
> How You Can Help
> Please test using the test cases onhttps://iso.qa.ubuntu.com. All you
> need is aLaunchpad <https://launchpad.net/>account to get started.
> Additionally, we need financial contributions. Our project lead, Erich
> Eickmeyer, is working long hours on this project and trying to generate
> a part-time income. Seethis post
> <https://ubuntustudio.org/2023/09/a-message-from-the-project-lead/>as to
> the reasons why andgo here <https://ubuntustudio.org/contribute/>to see
> how you can contribute financially (options are also in the sidebar).
> Frequently Asked Questions
> *Q:*Does Ubuntu Studio contain snaps?
> *A:*Yes. Mozilla’s distribution agreement with Canonical changed, and
> Ubuntu was forced to no longer distribute Firefox in a native .deb
> package. We have found that, after numerous improvements, Firefox now
> performs just as well as the native .deb package did.
> Thunderbird has become a snap this cycle in order for the maintainers to
> get security patches delivered faster.
> Additionally, Freeshow is an Electron-based application. Electron-based
> applications cannot be packaged in the Ubuntu repositories in that they
> cannot be packaged in a traditional Debian source package. While such
> apps do have a build system to create a .deb binary package, it
> circumvents the source package build system in Launchpad, which is
> required when packaging for Ubuntu. However, Electron apps also have a
> facility for creating snaps, which can be uploaded and included.
> Therefore, for Freeshow to be included in Ubuntu Studio, it had to be
> packaged as a snap.
> *Q:*If I install this Beta release, will I have to reinstall when the
> final release comes out?
> *A:*No. If you keep it updated, your installation will automatically
> become the final release. However, if Audacity returns to the Ubuntu
> repositories before final release, then you might end-up with a
> double-installation of Audacity. Removal instructions of one or the
> other will be made available in a future post.
> *Q*: Will you make an ISO with {my favorite desktop environment}?
> *A:*To do so would require creating an entirely new flavor of Ubuntu,
> which would require going through the Official Ubuntu Flavor application
> process. Since we’re completely volunteer-run, we don’t have the time or
> resources to do this. Instead, we recommend you download theofficial
> flavor for the desktop environment of your choice
> <https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours>and useUbuntu Studio Installer
> <https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer>to get Ubuntu Studio –
> which does *not* convert that flavor to Ubuntu Studio but adds its
> benefits.
> *Q:*What if I don’t want all these packages installed on my machine?
> *A:*Simply use the*Ubuntu Studio Installer*to remove the features of
> Ubuntu Studio you don’t want or need!
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> End of ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 197, Issue 1
> ***************************************************
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