[ubuntu-studio-users] .MP3 metadata editors for Ubuntu Studio 18.04

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Thu Apr 27 19:09:31 UTC 2023

On 4/27/23 11:46, Brian Hagen wrote:
> Hello,
>     I have a business need to add artwork images to a set of .MP3 
> files. So far, I have tried the command "lame --ti <image> <MP3>, 
> which adds the artwork but at the expense of rendering all of the 
> existing other fields in the file to blanks.
>     I have found and tried some Windows 10 apps (of which there are 
> many) for this, and they are inconsistent with the results. Many of 
> the Linux apps require installation via a customized set of 
> environment variables. Bitter experience has taught that that altering 
> OS settings in order to get a set of source files to compile and link 
> is most often a path to disaster.
>     If anyone here knows of a ready-to-use method to add artwork to an 
> .MP3 file without altering its existing fields, I would really like to 
> make use of it.

I have used EasyTAg 2.4.3 on my Xubuntu machine. I can't speak to what 
it does to other fields, but it worked for me.



Dick Steffens

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