[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 163, Issue 4
Ross Gammon
rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Sun Nov 8 07:16:41 UTC 2020
Hi Hans,
It is unusual to need to dig into config files these days unless you
have some unusual hardware/software configuration, or to diagnose a
hardware problem. Most times you are up and running with the default
settings in Ubuntu Studio. And Studio Controls has been designed for you
to be able to set up audio in a multiple card setup with multiple
bridges between pulse and jack, and is continuously being improved.
OK, I think from your mail that you have a Steinberg UR22 MK2 audio
device. Could you run the following command to confirm this, and so we
can see what other ALSA devices you have?
$ aplay -l
So if you go into Studio Controls and set the "USB device that should be
master" to the UR22, then click "Apply Audio Settings" to save the
configuration, and then click "Start or Restart Jack", do you get the
"green tick" and the message "Jack status: Running DSP: 0.nn%"?
If you do, then do you see the device (and the bridges to pulseaudio) if
you click on the Carla button to start Carla, and open the patchbay window?
On 06/11/2020 20:48, Hans Schneidhofer wrote:
> hi list, hi Ross,
> sorry for my delay. I have tried something in the meantime. Have
> installed ubuntustudo-control and made some entries but without a
> success.
> Here you can see the entries, which was written in the so called
> ~/.config/jack/conf.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!--
> JACK settings, as persisted by D-Bus object.
> You probably don't want to edit this because
> it will be overwritten next time jackdbus saves.
> -->
> <!-- Fri Nov 6 20:11:46 2020 -->
> <jack>
> <engine>
> <option name="driver">alsa</option>
> <option name="realtime">true</option>
> <option name="verbose">false</option>
> <option name="client-timeout">500</option>
> </engine>
> <drivers>
> <driver name="netone">
> </driver>
> <driver name="net">
> </driver>
> <driver name="loopback">
> </driver>
> <driver name="dummy">
> </driver>
> <driver name="firewire">
> </driver>
> <driver name="alsarawmidi">
> </driver>
> <driver name="alsa">
> <option name="device">hw:SB,0</option>
> <option name="capture">hw:SB,0</option>
> <option name="playback">hw:SB,0</option>
> <option name="rate">48000</option>
> <option name="period">1024</option>
> <option name="nperiods">128</option>
> <option name="hwmon">false</option>
> <option name="hwmeter">false</option>
> <option name="duplex">true</option>
> <option name="softmode">false</option>
> <option name="monitor">false</option>
> <option name="dither">n</option>
> <option name="shorts">false</option>
> <option name="midi-driver">seq</option>
> </driver>
> </drivers>
> <internals>
> <internal name="netadapter">
> </internal>
> <internal name="audioadapter">
> </internal>
> <internal name="netmanager">
> </internal>
> <internal name="profiler">
> </internal>
> </internals>
> </jack>
> It differs from the entries, which i can see in the settings of jackd
> itself.
> The entry <option name="device">hw:SB,0</option>
> should be USB Jack Master
> and UR22mkII,0,0
> I had stored it, but as you can see, the entries are the same as before
> storing the changes.
> I cannont see, that this tool ubuntustudio-control is a
> really facilitation.
> The messages I get, are these here:
> cat qjackctl.log
> 20:40:03.304 Protokollierung gestartet --- Fr. Nov. 6 20:40:03 2020 ---
> 20:42:04.740 D-BUS: JACK-Server konnte nicht gestartet werden. Tut mir
> Leid
> Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
> gefunden
> Cannot connect to server request channel
> jack server is not running or cannot be started
> JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1,
> skipping unlock
> JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1,
> skipping unlock
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: Starting jack server...
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: JACK server starting in realtime mode with
> priority 10
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self
> connect requests"
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: Acquired audio card Audio0
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: creating alsa driver ...
> hw:SB,0|hw:SB,0|1024|128|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames
> (21.3 ms), buffer = 128 periods
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: ALSA: final selected sample format for
> capture: 32bit integer little-endian
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: ERROR: ALSA: got smaller periods 8 than 128
> for capture
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: ERROR: ALSA: cannot configure capture channel
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: Released audio card Audio0
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: ERROR: Cannot initialize driver
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: ERROR: JackServer::Open failed with -1
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:04 2020: ERROR: Failed to open server
> Fri Nov 6 20:42:05 2020: Saving settings to
> "/home/silberlocke/.config/jack/conf.xml" ...
> Hope, these messages does help to find out, what is going wrong here.
> I cannot find more information on how to configure a correct jackd-
> setup with my hardware.
> It would be really nice, if you could help to setup jackd.
> bye hans
> Am Freitag, den 06.11.2020, 12:00 +0000 schrieb ubuntu-studio-users-
> request at lists.ubuntu.com:
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. pulseaudio (Hans Schneidhofer)
>> 2. Re: pulseaudio (Ross Gammon)
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2020 20:19:02 +0100
>> From: Hans Schneidhofer <mei-mail at posteo.de>
>> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-users] pulseaudio
>> Message-ID: <bb95ac1fbcaf361656a9c11cf9d92399ebc263e0.camel at posteo.de
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>> hi list,
>> after installing ubuntustudio over xubuntu 20.04.lts, I have some
>> trouble with pulseaudio and jackd - jackd won't run.
>> In some descriptions I found out, that pulseaudio should be
>> deinstalled, in some other descricptions a deactivation of pulseaudio
>> is prefered.
>> What would be the best for working with ubuntustudio as a music-daw ?
>> It is not absolutely necessary to have pulseaudio on this computer
>> because I could switch to another computer for sound on the Internet
>> (via firefox).
>> Can someone shed some light on this or give some hints, whats to do
>> here ?
>> thanks a lot
>> by hans
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2020 07:37:07 +0100
>> From: Ross Gammon <ubuntustudio at the-gammons.net>
>> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] pulseaudio
>> Message-ID: <97411ec1-e122-69bc-c99b-863b32ad0680 at the-gammons.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Hi there Hans,
>> It should be possible to get your machine working with both Jack and
>> Pulseaudio installed using the pulse to jack bridge.
>> Some of the advice on the internet can be a bit old. These days we
>> use
>> the Studio Controls application to set everything up.
>> There is some basic help here for setting things up:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro
>> So why won't Jack run (what error messages do you see)? What audio
>> devices do you have plugged in?
>> Cheers,
>> Ross
>> On 05/11/2020 20:19, Hans Schneidhofer wrote:
>>> hi list,
>>> after installing ubuntustudio over xubuntu 20.04.lts, I have some
>>> trouble with pulseaudio and jackd - jackd won't run.
>>> In some descriptions I found out, that pulseaudio should be
>>> deinstalled, in some other descricptions a deactivation of
>>> pulseaudio
>>> is prefered.
>>> What would be the best for working with ubuntustudio as a music-daw
>>> ?
>>> It is not absolutely necessary to have pulseaudio on this computer
>>> because I could switch to another computer for sound on the
>>> Internet
>>> (via firefox).
>>> Can someone shed some light on this or give some hints, whats to do
>>> here ?
>>> thanks a lot
>>> by hans
>> ------------------------------
>> Subject: Digest Footer
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