[ubuntu-studio-users] Latest updates (2020-07-21) will not install

Dave at Dalek Zone dave at dalek.zone
Wed Jul 22 18:02:55 UTC 2020

Plus here is a couple of screenshots of my failed attempt to recti'fy 
the situation from the command line with 'sudo apt update && sudo apt 
upgrade' (which failed) and 'sudo apt --fix-broken install' (which also 

With all best wishes,

On 2020-07-22 20:30, Dave at Dalek Zone wrote:
> Hi, I have just been prompted with updates on my Kubuntu desktop with
> the Ubuntu Studio environment installed. I was prompted that the
> Ubuntu Studio controls would be uninstalled and other stuff would be
> installed. The removal of a package failed. Should I file a bug report
> about this? (Screenshot attached.)
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