[ubuntu-studio-users] 20.04 device issues

Mac macdroid53 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 19:12:42 UTC 2020

Ferrari, thanks. For the record I've been a forum member for some years...

And now after a few days I have found, after some disk errors forced me to
install, rather than run from live usb stick, the inputs and outputs of the
A&H mixer are fine.

(I will note, the disk issue was caused when I installed 20.04 from the
live usb stick to an external drive and the install process clobbered the
efi boot partition on the 19.10 internal hard drive. None of the typical
grub fixes seemed to work. Interestingly, the boot partition was there, as
was the 19.10 partition. And, I had backed up all the important stuff
before fooling with it. So, something to watch out for in the future.)


On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 12:47 AM FMF FMF <fmfsuper at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Mac
> Iḿ so sorry about this because i dont have tecnical capabilit
> and yet, im very new user on the linux planet
> welcome
> Ferrari
> Em sex., 10 de jul. de 2020 às 13:45, Mac <macdroid53 at gmail.com> escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> I have a A&H USB mixer.
>> As far as I can remember, all I ever did with 19.04 & 19.10 was plug it
>> in and 2 inputs and 2 outputs showed up in Carla.
>> I gave 20.04 a try today (live on the same computer as 19.10) and when I
>> plug the device in it shows 2 inputs, no outputs.
>> Am I forgetting what I did eons ago? (yeah I know it was really only a
>> year or so... ;) )
>> Or is there something new to do in 20.04?
>> Thanks,
>> Mac
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