[ubuntu-studio-users] Error 1965

Yves Yves yves537 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 20 22:26:29 UTC 2020

Thanks so much once again Thomas for any assistance . As mentioned before/earlier on in our correspondences-Ubuntu successfully installed the 1st time we got this computer but trying to install UBUNTUSTUDIO did not work & reinstalling UBUNTU gave the same negative results as UBUNTUSTUDIO. Gonna try you most recent suggestions this evening again.
BTW; this is not a dual boot. There was no operating system on this 500GB hard-drive. On a LenovaM81  BIOS there is 3 options ;
1)  AUTO
Each option was utilized to try and boot so were you curious if we are using UEFI when installing UBUNTUSTUDIO' in which the answer is perhaps, as it was usually set to AUTO.
 Thanks again for your effort to help out *

From: ubuntu-studio-users <ubuntu-studio-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com> on behalf of Thomas Pfundt <captain-tux at protonmail.ch>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2020 10:41 AM
To: Ubuntu Studio Users <ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] Error 1965

Weird thing is UBUNTU installed & worked fine on this PC one week ago and it was only when trying to do a clean install of UBUNTUSTUDIO that things started to fail.

That's odd. Are you still able to successfully install regular Ubuntu like this? Maybe this could in fact be an Ubuntu Studio specific issue, then.

In case you are able to install Ubuntu, you could just sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer and "upgrade" your regular Ubuntu to a Studio that way. It will work the same, just look different. If you are able to install Xubuntu, the difference will be even less, just visually.

sudo grub-install /dev/sda; sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
...according to all the info you now have been sent about this , should  dev/sada be 1 or 2 or what ?

Nothing, just /dev/sda. However this may only work if you disable everything UEFI boot. You should try this, it would be my preferred method of installing, anyway.

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