[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu 18.04 installation

Erich Eickmeyer erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Sat Apr 20 22:09:36 UTC 2019

Hi Michael,

On 4/20/2019 1:44 PM, Michael F. Tomasso wrote:
> In a previous email, one among your group recommended installing
> Ubuntu 18.04 because it has long term support.
> I have an Asus UX550G ZenBook 15 Pro.  I created a installation thumb
> drive using Rufus.  When I try to boot it, the logo with the spinning
> icon appears, but after a minute or so it stops and doesn't seem to
> move.  I've tried waiting for it to continue, but nothing happens.  It
> seems to have crashed.
> Please Advise!
First of all, a personal email to me is not an official support channel,
so please follow the official support channels listed at
https://ubuntustudio.org/support. I will, however, redirect to the
correct channel.

Secondly, the Ubuntu Studio Users list is a correct support channel, so
I've forwarded this to there. The reason for this is because I'm not the
only person who can help you (far from it!). There are others who can
help you. But, you must understand, it's all volunteer work, nobody (not
even me) is paid to do this. Neither myself nor anybody on this list is
obligated to provide you support. If nobody responds, it's because
nobody knows the answer.

Thanks for understanding.

Erich Eickmeyer
Council Chair
Ubuntu Studio


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