[ubuntu-studio-users] When is 18.04 64 bit out Studio. what0 do yyou need in Beta Ttesters. to dual boot with windows 10

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Fri Feb 23 10:11:40 UTC 2018

Hi Alex,

On 02/21/2018 05:35 PM, Alex Armani wrote:
> When is 18.04 64 bit out Studio released please?.

April 26th is the current release date. The first release candidate is
normally available for testing on the Monday before that.

See the other thread for Beta release dates.

 what do you need in Beta Ttesters.

It is best to do beta testing on a separate machine. It is rare, but
possible, for the ISO image to contain a bug that causes difficulty
booting your machine afterwards, or erases data. It is also easy to make
a mistake and install over the top of your data.

But if you have backups, and trust yourself to repair any damage, you
could also test the install on a plug-in external disk (or a spare
internal one).

You can test inside a Virtual Machine (e.g. using Virtual Box), and
there is no danger of breaking anything this way, but if everyone does
this, then we are not testing on a wide variety of hardware.

Tests of the live image (without installing) are useful for us, and help

If want to have a practise, you could try with one of the "daily" ISO

There is lots of help and instructions linked from that page. Sing out
on the -devel mailing list for help, or look for help on our IRC channel.

Please make sure you add your results on that website. Even for the
daily image. Success, or Fail, it doesn't matter.

 to dual boot with windows 10 1 Tb.

There is an option in the Ubuntu Studio installer to install alongside
Windows. I do this on one PC at home. Expect Windows to occasionally
overwrite your boot settings without telling you though :-)



> From: Alex@ Armani.PM
> -- 
> Alex Armani, IT Consultant \ Digital Musician.
> +447 754 595 449 - Www.Armani.PM 8) %)
> tB.xx
> --
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> Chrome OS: ASUS C300 13.3" Chromebook - Intel® Celeron® Processor N2830 32GB
> 64bit Windows 7 Home Premium, 64bit Unicorn Studio 14.1o, 32bit Mint 17.1 MATE
> ''I am what I am, because, we are, what we are; I thought Yogi Bear invented television.''

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