[ubuntu-studio-users] Fglrx

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Sep 11 15:32:57 UTC 2016

On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 15:54:50 +0200, Michał Grochoła wrote:
>I'm not sure this is the best place to ask this question, but this
>issue is important also for creatives ;)
>Does anybody know anything about fglrx - AMD drivers for Ubuntu 16.04?
>Recommended open source alternatives are not that bad, but proprietary
>drivers would simply give better performance on my GPU I guess. Is AMD
>going to develop new fglrx?
>I use Blender more and more and I'd like to use GPU Computation
>(Cycles+OpenCL) but it seems not working - at least for me...

ATI/AMD is not nearly as good as NVIDIA in regards to proprietary driver
support for Linux. They only support their proprietary drivers for
cards for a very short time, usable with just a few versions of X.
NVIDIA usually includes all old graphics, so their new proprietary
drivers work even for old cards, with new versions of X.


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