[ubuntu-studio-users] Bugfix: Testers wanted

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed Oct 26 19:41:57 UTC 2016

Oops, I made at least one mistake, behind "--recv-keys" I forgot to add
the keys and the script had a pitfall. When downloading several ISOs
to /tmp, wget add numbers to identical name, e.g. SHA256SUMS becomes
SHA256SUMS.1, so I moved the downloads to individual folders
inside /tmp. Now it should be ok. I try to attache the corrected script,
instead of pasting it.

FWIW, assuming /tmp should be a tmpfs, then the downloads are just in
the RAM, not on the hard disk.

[weremouse at moonstudio rocketmouse]$ ls -hAl luamd64_1610.sh 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 weremouse weremouse 1.4K Oct 26 21:29 luamd64_1610.sh
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