[ubuntu-studio-users] Adding photoflow to gimp

Set Hallstrom set at ubuntustudio.org
Wed Oct 12 04:58:55 UTC 2016

tisdagen den 11:e oktober 2016 kl. 20:48:19 CEST, AURO KUMAR SAHOO 
<aksahoo.barc at gmail.com> skrev:

> Can photoflow be added to gimp in next release or may be next LTS. 

It certainly looks very interesting! :) The best way to make sure it 
happens is to help package it. We try to get things packaged in debian 
first so that it automagicaly appears in Ubuntu and for the community at 
large to enjoy. I'm not the best at searching debian packages and i 
couldn't find it... that is, maybe its there but i missed it... However, if 
you are interested in helping us out, you can have a look here: 
You could also reach out to photoflow's developer-team and ask them if they 
have plans to package it in debian. In any case i will take deeper look at 
it and put it on the wishlist for 17.04 release. In the meantime, while i 
understand this isn't what you are looking for, i can recomend darktable 
and rawtherapy as non-destructive RAW photo processing applications.

Thank you for reaching out!


Set Hallström
Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer

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