[ubuntu-studio-users] [solved] Jack can´t start

Joao Bruno joaobrunogalhetas at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 16:54:18 UTC 2016

I agree with you,  it will be difficult to me, if it was so difficult to
"see" the second button and looks like is working really well until now.

Thanks again
Best regards,
On 30 Mar 2016 7:37 p.m., "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> The new qjackctl GUI only provides one button. It will be available for
> the next release: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/qjackctl
> I have it installed for my Arch Linux.
> [rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ pacman -Q qjackctl
> qjackctl 0.4.1-2
> It's already possible to compile it for Wily and it works even with
> Qt5 already, but the repositories still provide the old GUI.
> [root at moonstudio ~]# lsb_release -rc;dpkg -l qjackctl|grep ii
> Release:        15.10
> Codename:       wily
> ii  qjackctl       0.4.0-29-g45508a354d-1 amd64        JACK Audio
> Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface.
> At the moment I only have access to the command line of my Ubuntu
> install, since I run it in a systemd-nspawn containmer, so I don't know
> if there is already just one button for 0.4.0, however, Xenial will
> provide 0.4.1 too and most likely it can be compiled for Wily.
> I dislike that "Most advanced Setup/Settings are moved into new
> Setup/Advanced settings tab" [1], but seemingly the removed button
> seems to be an advantage for newbies.
> [1] http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/qjackctl-downloads.html
> Anyway, I recommend to stay with the current version, since it now
> works for you and building it for Wily might not be that easy for a
> beginner.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> --
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