[ubuntu-studio-users] FTP Download - Was: ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 107, Issue 2

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Mar 13 03:17:49 UTC 2016

On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 11:58:36 +0900, C. F. Howlett wrote:
>I have not direct downloaded an image in years.  Torrent provides much
>faster and more reliable service.  IMHO.

Apart from what already was pointed out, that many, if not most ISPs
are shaping torrent traffic, it could happen that all seeders go
offline, before you downloaded the image. Another thing that should be
considered is, that the torrent etiquette postulates, that after you
downloaded the image, you should seed it to a minimum ratio of 1.
Nobody likes people who just download by torrent and then go offline.
People doing this are antisocial. If you download, you also must seed
and it should be more, than just a ratio of 1.

There are good reasons for torrent, but if download speed is important,
torrent is the absolutely wrong way to go.

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