[ubuntu-studio-users] General ("newbie") question about repositories
Ralf Mardorf
ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed Jul 20 12:01:25 UTC 2016
On Wed, 20 Jul 2016 13:10:06 +0200, brian at linuxsynths.com wrote:
>thanks for your answers. Could I ask, are you (or others
>reading this email) able to install FstHost and run it? I was able to
>use it just fine on previous Ubuntu versions, and can't figure out why
>it doesn't run on 16.04. If you would like to try it to see if you can
>get it to run, FstHost is available at SourceForge HERE [3]
I will not install it, I even don't have any VST to test it.
Did you follow the README? I wrote some comments and ask you a few
question, so continue to read.
"Getting Started
1) Ensure you have the necessary build dependencies (devel packages).
Obviouslly you need 32 bit versions for build fsthost32 on AMD64."
Please provide details of all the required run time and build
For example run:
apt-cache show libglib2.0-0
and do this for all the below mentioned dependencies.
http://packages.ubuntu.com/ might help you to find all dependencies.
"Packages providing header files are neither 32, nor 64 bit, however,
runtime dependencies for 32 bit architecture might be required.
wine ( wine-staging recommended )
gtk+-2.0 or gtk+-3.0"
Wow, it doesn't matter what version of GTK3 is used? Hard to believe,
since 3.20 breaks could break software seriously, see my signature. The
best Terminal emu available for Linux is discontinued.
"For fsthost_menu
perl XML::LibXML module for fsthost_menu ( libxml-perl ? )
2) Type 'make'. If everything works correctly this should create an
executable file called 'fsthost32' and optionaly 'fsthost64'
3) Type 'make GTK=2' to force GTK+2 GUI or 'make GTK=0' for exclude GTK
Did you test GTK2 and GTK3?
"4) Type 'make LASH_EXISTS=no' to build without lash.
This is default if lash libs are not available
5) Type 'make PLAT=64' to build only 64bit version and respectively
'make PLAT=32' to build only 32bit version
6) To run your vst plugins:
./fsthost32 /path/to/someplugin.dll
./fsthost64 /path/to/someplugin.dll
you can also use multiple plugins or load plugins with some "state".
7) To install type 'make install'
Note: you can build/install all at once, just like that ;-)
make install
XML Database and simple plugin menu
You can build XML Database, and update it later by such command
fsthost32 -g ~/VST
fsthost64 -g ~/VST64
Where ~/VST* are paths which will be scanned recursivelly for plugins.
You can use later this database by some GUI app ( e.g. fsthost_menu ).
Default path for database is ~/fsthost.xml.
Separate 32/64 databases is unnecessary.
You can also export VST_PATH and scan it recursivelly like:
% export VST_PATH=~/VST:/usr/share/vst:/otherlocation
% fsthost -g
You can force GTK version (2/3) for "fsthost_menu.pl" by:
% export FSTMENU_GTK=2 # or 3
TCP control protocol
If you start fsthost with option -S <port> you can control it remotely.
It will listen on that port on all interfaces. For random port use -S 0.
You can check later with port you got in /tmp/fsthost directory.
To connect use telnet like:
telent <host> <port>
Then check available commands by typing "help".
There is also fsthost_ctrl application with similar GUI to fsthost.
Eventually you can compile fsthost without gtk gui at all by make GTK=0,
and then control it via fsthost_ctrl or telnet.
JackSession / LASH
With JackSession or LASH you can save and restore the state of the
Known BUGs
If you experience WineBUG like RenderBadPicture, please update this
ticket: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6673
Possible workaround:
export WINEDEBUG=synchronous
You can try also this one below ( but personally I see no difference ;-)
What exactly doesn't work? Do you get any messages, when launching it
in a terminal? You checked all the above settings?
Death of ROXTerm
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