[ubuntu-studio-users] possible compositing manager failure

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Fri Sep 11 13:56:52 UTC 2015

Thanks for your suggestion. I removed the most recent sessions (since 
the date it went wrong) and so now when I log it, it must have gone to 
the previous session, which means all back to normal and working okay.

David K

On 11/09/15 12:30, Toni Sissala wrote:
> On 10.9.2015 12:27, David King wrote:
>> When I saw compositing, I just mean the window decorations, title 
>> bar, etc.
>> Hardware is powerful enough and it all worked previously. This is not 
>> a hardware problem. It works with logging in as a Guest. It is no 
>> doubt a problem with my user account.
> I have had similar problems in xfce with missing window decorations 
> and title bars. My problem was a corrupted session which started at 
> login. Solution was quite simple:
> $ sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions/*
> $ sudo reboot
> Toni
>> David K
>> On 09/09/15 18:51, Mike Holstein wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, September 9, 2015, David King <linuxman at avoura.com 
>>> <mailto:linuxman at avoura.com>> wrote:
>>>     I am using Ubuntu Studio 14.04, and it has been kept up to date,
>>>     with default XFCE desktop. It was working well yesterday, but
>>>     today when logging in, there are serious problems, such as no
>>>     title bars or other window decorations, no programs showing on the
>>>     panel. Then all windows disappear along with the panel, leaving me
>>>     just the desktop and its icons.
>>>     I can right click to get a menu, and tried going to the system
>>>     settings, but clicking on Window Manager did nothing.
>>>     I can still run Linux Mint on the same PC (which I am doing now to
>>>     use Thunderbird) but my Ubuntu Studio is broken.
>>>     How can I fix this? What configuration needs to be checked or 
>>> changed?
>>>     David K
>>> Since you mentioned compositing. Are you using compositing? If so, 
>>> does your hardware support compositing in Linux?
>>> -- 
>>> MH
>>> likethecow.com <http://likethecow.com>
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