[ubuntu-studio-users] Showcase and Interviews

set public at sakrecoer.com
Tue Nov 24 11:38:32 UTC 2015

Hi List,

I'm in the midst of producing a showcase for Ubuntu-Studio users
production to be published in a series of posts on ubuntustudio.org and
its social-media satellites. The idea is to let the public know what can
be accomplished with Ubuntu-Studio by showing, rather than telling.
Therefor the series will be focusing on _productions_ made using
Ubuntu-studio and the _creative human behind the productions_.

The term production here is very broad; it can be anything from poems,
to prints, websites, via video, music and coding.

I would like to interview as many of you as possible, but depending on
the volume of response, i might not have the time to feature you all and
will work in the chronological order i receive the emails. However,
production that is Not Safe For Work will be disregarded. The interviews
will be done by email, and will consist of 3 to 4 questions about You
and your production.

If you are interested in participating, please address me on
public at sakrecoer.com and make sure you include links to your work in the

*Do not send me attached files by email.*

Looking forward to see-, hear-, feel your work and to talk to you,
Set H.

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