[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu 14.04 ---> 14.10

Henry W. Peters hwpeters at jamadots.com
Thu May 28 04:07:53 UTC 2015

Hi All,

I do dual boot with Windows 8.1, I just tried to upgrade my HP Pavilion 
500-046 Desktop PC, from *UbuntuStudio 14.04 to 14.10... *Got some 
troubling errors along the way (i.e., didn't understand, & went by 
quickly)... After install, restarted... went to Grub... then dark screen 
with some tiny flashing colored dots in the upper left (of screen)... 
then a bunch of text scrolled & stopped... top said "Bug" (I haven't 
written down the exact text yet)... something about kernel not 
syncing... then kernel panic...  I did try some different options in 
Grub... all the same result. Windows works (I use rEFind installed on a 
USB drive to get to Grub)

So any clues as what I might do to try & remedy this situation... I have 
not had to use a utility for Linux Ubuntu for some time... so do not 
know if there is even such a thing, these days.

Thanks for any suggestions, help

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