[ubuntu-studio-users] How to help the community (was: Ubuntustudio-controls won't start)

Set Hallström sakrecoer at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 12:13:01 UTC 2015

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 4:29 AM, Mike Holstein <mikeh789 at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu
> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/
> we dont even have the infrastructure in place to assist you in where and
> how to help, but, ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, and helping anywhere upstream,
> such as debian, is relevant assistance. also, any documentation, since, as
> you have noticed, many things are changing upstream, and the wikis get
> outdated easily.
> as far as "controls", for you, as an end user, i say, just use the
> operating system "as-is" and address issues as you have them. if you are
> trying to address latency, and lowering it, thats something we can work
> with you on. cheers!
> holstein
Thank you very much Mike!

I get this feeling I’m being notoriously _bad_ at feeding back on this
list... There seem to be a thin line between taking peoples time and
pointing out relevant issues. In this case, "ubuntustudio-controls" seemed
very much like a ubuntu_studio_ issue. For example, a latency issue, i
think i would have addressed the JACK guys or FFADO, as a consequence of my
previous experiences. Misunderstand me right: I’m not blaming anyone, or
complaining about the quality of support or anything negative like that.. I
understand you guys with experience and a lot of savoir-faire do this for
the passion and freedom. My point being that i find it difficult to decide
how and where to get assistance.

Documentation would be a good spot for an ignorant savant like me (no i'm
not mugging myself i'm realistic), but i am sure you have noticed my
dyslexia. I would be a burden more than anything.

Perhaps i should work on an "infrastructure to assist users in where and
how to help" :)

I guess i have to meditate on it.

However i would like to conclude this pseudo-rant by pointing out my
gratitude for the link to the article on how to contribute. I've been
struggling with this egoistic feeling that i take without giving back. It's
a relief to know that "spreading the word" is appreciated. That is
something i think i can comfortably say i'm good at. I will join the
marketing list as of today.

Yours respectfully,

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