[ubuntu-studio-users] Karaoke en UbuntuStudio 14.04 con kmid2 (native linux software)

WMID wachin.id at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 14:35:55 UTC 2015

Hola Juan Carlos tenías razón se me perdió el link, aquí si está bien:
Hello Juan Carlos had reason I lost the link, here is fine:


Hi, I made a tutorial to make karaoke in UbuntuStudio with the program Kmid,
but in spanish

kmid2 is an application I'm using to do karaoke on my computer with
UbuntuStudio, this program is a replacement to vanBasco's Karaoke Player
which if it works in Wine but in some MIDI when chage the pitch in some
instrument the pitch not change, but this kmid2 (native linux sotware) if
he does well

Washington Indacochea Delgado
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