[ubuntu-studio-users] Split DV files with timecode ?

laurent.bellegarde at free.fr laurent.bellegarde at free.fr
Sat May 24 18:52:37 UTC 2014

Hi Cyril,

Only two software in graphical gui can acquire dv files from a camera.

The first one is kino.
The second one is kdenlive.

Both are using dvgrab for the grab.

Openshot has no dv grabbing engine. This tool will not never be 
developped because dv files users are fewer and fewer face to the mp4 
AVCHD camera...

Cinelerra has one, but it doesn't work properly.

If you want to edit theses videos by using the original timecode, I 
think that only cinelerra can do that. All Native Linux free video 
editor can edit dv files, but without the timecode.

Maybe Lightworks can do it, but the software is not free, and you have 
to buy the complete release to have all the main codecs supported.

Hope it helps.


Le 24/05/2014 19:21, Jimmy Sjölund a écrit :
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Cyril Giraud <cgiraud at free.fr 
> <mailto:cgiraud at free.fr>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Video editing is a strength of Ubuntu Studio distro, isn't it ?
>     So, I use to find inside a simple tool to split .avi files
>     acquired from DV tapes, and I didn't...
>     Someone to help me about that ?
>         Cyril.
>     PS: I have tried with no success on several new and old avi files:
>     dvgrab -I MyVideo.avi -t foo_
>     Waiting for DV...
>     Capture Started
>     End of pipe
>     "foo_1999.11.30_00-00-00.dv": frame dropped: timecode ??:??:??.??
>     date ????.??.?? ??:??:??
>     This error means that the ieee1394 driver received an incomplete
>     frame.
>     "foo_1999.11.30_00-00-00.dv"    97.64 MiB 783 frames
>     Capture Stopped
>     Warning: 1 dropped frames.
> I don't quite understand what you are trying to accomplish? Do you 
> have old .avi files that you want to split in some way? Or do you want 
> to capture from your camera to a avi file?
> Have you tried Kdenlive if Mike's suggestions doesn't work out?

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