[ubuntu-studio-users] Split DV files with timecode ?

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Sat May 24 15:34:09 UTC 2014

On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Cyril Giraud <cgiraud at free.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> Video editing is a strength of Ubuntu Studio distro, isn't it ?
nothing about ubuntustudio is specifically addressing video editing in any
better or worse way than main linux applications can supply. there are
many, many editors, and ubuntustudio tries to create an environment that
can facilitate production.. i say, start with one of the bigger, more
actively developed editors such as openshot, then, move on through them til
you get what you need.. there's also commercial efforts such as
http://www.lwks.com/index.php?option=com_lwks&view=download&Itemid=206 that
you may find helpful..

try and test and work with different codecs, such as a simple, well
supported, and known-good .ogg video file to remove a possible codec
support issue with your "old .avi" files.. cheers and good luck

> So, I use to find inside a simple tool to split .avi files acquired from
> DV tapes, and I didn't...
> Someone to help me about that ?
>     Cyril.
> PS: I have tried with no success on several new and old avi files:
> dvgrab -I MyVideo.avi -t foo_
> Waiting for DV...
> Capture Started
> End of pipe
> "foo_1999.11.30_00-00-00.dv": frame dropped: timecode ??:??:??.?? date
> ????.??.?? ??:??:??
> This error means that the ieee1394 driver received an incomplete frame.
> "foo_1999.11.30_00-00-00.dv"    97.64 MiB 783 frames
> Capture Stopped
> Warning: 1 dropped frames.
> --
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