[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 ---> 14.04 (a question)

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Tue May 6 23:37:20 UTC 2014

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Henry W. Peters <hwpeters at jamadots.com>wrote:

> Been using UBS for about a year... on a USB 3 external HD, & dual boot
> with Windows 8.1 (v. 1310.10 USB currently).
> Two questions that I have concerning the most recent version (14.04):
> 1). Why is it not the upgrade path recommended (i.e.  via Software
> Updater)?
> 2). What are significant differences between these two versions (i.e., why
> update or upgrade)?
> Thanks for any insights.

1. the path is there, and you can use it if you like, but dont overthink
a nice read relating to upgrading.. let us know if you have any

2. whats the difference? the main key difference is, 14.04 is an "lts", or
long term support release.. 13.10 is supported for 9 months total, which
means EOL (end of life) soon (in a few weeks or so, really) compared to
14.04 being supported for 3 years specifically by the ubuntustudio team,
and upstream ubuntu 14.04 repos being up and supported for 5 years.. if
things are working in 13.10, and its an audio production machine that is
not online anyway, there may be little reason for you to want to upgrade.
there are always improvements that are made (really, there are always
changes made, and one can argue if they are improvements based on how one
perceives the changes). personally, i run only lts releases on my
production machine, so, i updated 12.04 to 14.04 last week.. it looks great
and runs well. i suggest you try it live, and see for yourself first hand
how it runs on your specific hardware, and if you prefer it to 13.10..
cheers and enjoy ubuntustudio regardless of what version you end up using..

> Henry
> --
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