[ubuntu-studio-users] [ot] Suggestions for a notebook for music.

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 15:34:08 UTC 2014

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 3:59 AM, Cyril Giraud <cgiraud at free.fr> wrote:

>  Le 11/02/2014 03:09, Mike Holstein a écrit :
>  any distro is typically well supported by intel.
> (Out of Ubuntu Studio topic)
> Sorry, but my hp 4100sf with Intel Atom N2600 with CrunchBang Linux is
> badly supported by Intel: video drivers cannot be installed.
> It should be ok with Ubuntu Studio (but not tried).
the drivers are modular, and, actually, the kernel support for drivers
should be (and has been in my experience) similar between debian,
crunchbang, and/or ubuntu.. and ubuntustuduio *is* ubuntu.. anyways, im not
interested in starting a long discussion here. it is factual that intel
typically supports open development by releasing information for drivers to
be included in the kernel. this is not really something im stating as
opinion.. it can be searched and researched on one's own. you can find any
hardware that will not be supported well in either all linux kernels, or
specific ones. i have one of the unsupported intel graphics machines here
that i use the vesa driver with. but, all that being said, intel hardware
*is* a good place to start if linux support is important, and one is not
willing to pay a 3rd party for that support.

>     Cyril.
> --
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mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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