[ubuntu-studio-users] Crash yesterday

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Mon Dec 8 18:08:02 UTC 2014

On Mon, 8 Dec 2014 18:48:45 +0100, Julien Gury wrote:
> Hello aller my computer crash yesterday ans nous way tout réinstaller
> nor other linux distrib nor windows si for now i format m'y Kingston
> ssd with another computer on windows ans try tout réinstall ubuntu
> studio again Un fact the  computer had emitting a noise on m'y
> speaker ans crashes. M'y computer contain
> Rme fireface 400
> Ssd Kingston 120 giga
> Hdd 3 tera
> Coré i 5

1. Before wiping out everything from the SSD, it would have been smart
trying to access log files.

2. _Describe what happens if you try to install an OS._

3. http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

4. multipart/mixed? Really?

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