[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubiquity hang up 14.04 daily and Beta (Kaj Ailomaa)

Roberto Tolin Sommer robertotolin at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 12:25:54 UTC 2014

I use a Behringer FCA 202 with Ubuntu Studio 14.04 and it works 
perfectly. I use it in a MacPro 3.1 with 8Gb ram and the standard Ubuntu 
Studio, but with the Unity interface. The XCFE desktop needs lesser ram, 
but the Unity interface works better for my needs and the system and web 
browser sounds work perfect trought QjackCtl. The Firewire interface 
with QjackCtl has only problems if i connect a Firewire 800 card reader. 
It hangs if i connect the reader with QjackCtl running. No problem if i 
quit it before. I have now zero problems with the sound running Ubuntu.
On 26/04/14 14:00, ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> Re:  Ubiquity hang up 14.04 daily and Beta (Kaj Ailomaa)

Roberto Tolín Sommer

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