[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubiquity hang up 14.04 daily and Beta

Israel israel at torios.org
Tue Apr 15 12:43:05 UTC 2014

On 04/15/2014 07:07 AM, Jimmy Sjölund wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Israel <israel at torios.org 
> <mailto:israel at torios.org>> wrote:
>     On 04/15/2014 04:32 AM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
>         Most of all, I would like to know if your failure is on
>         virtualbox or on
>         a real machine.
>     Real Machine Macbook Pro 3,1 it does indeed have EFI. And as you
>     know I have Ubuntu 14.04 installed and I have been trying to
>     install Ubuntu Studio 14.04
>     Thanks for doing this!
> As a workaround if you've got Ubuntu 14.04 up and running is add the 
> Studio packages and the audio configuration needed. In which case you 
> should end up with Ubuntu Studio.
Thanks... I have thought about doing this already... however I am using 
this machine to do somethings that HAVE to be finished VERY soon, so I 
don't want any unknown variables in the mix yet, until I can be sure 
that everything is worked out with what I am doing right now.. as it is 
quite important that it gets finished before trusty is released.
I also wanted to test out Studio and see if it natively supported this 
interface (which from Mike's earlier comment) it should.  I suppose I 
could also upgrade the 12.04 to trusty as well...
Thanks for the tip.
I do think this should be fixed however, if possible for trusty... and 
if not trusty then right away for whatever the u codename will be
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