[ubuntu-studio-users] Firewire interface
israel at torios.org
Sun Apr 13 03:24:17 UTC 2014
Hi again!
On 04/12/2014 09:48 PM, Mike Holstein wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 8:29 PM, Israel <israel at torios.org
> <mailto:israel at torios.org>> wrote:
> Well, I am now dual booting [well... triple booting as I need
> MacOSX for my wife's phone :( ]
> I use Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Studio 12.04. It works out of the
> box in Studio 12.04
> ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu
Yes, I do understand this, though Ubuntu Studio is configured for AV
usage much more than Ubuntu is (lowlatency kernel is default, as you
well know)
> I didn't have to try anything fancy.
> I am using a Presonus Firebox.
> i use a presonus firepod
Nice! It is good to know other Presonus devices work well!
> I prefer to use only FLOSS and only want to install it rather than
> use a liveCD/USB/DVD (unless it is puppy),
> the live CD's i suggest *are* FLOSS, and the one you used to install
> ubuntustudio will do fine. its so you can tweak and try configurations
> and easily get back to a default state without breaking your current
> installation
I know they are Libre software... I simply meant that I'd rather install
it than use a Live system. The only thing I am tweaking is QJackCtrl in
order to make it see the FireBox, in 14.04. the presets can be easily
reset, as I have a 'safe' saved preset using alsa and and experimental
preset for firewire
> but thanks for your info.
> I am in 12.04 right now, but if you need me to run some commands
> and post the output I would be glad to. Presonus Firebox is
> already on FFADO (which is why I got it).
> the presonus firepod works "out of the box" for me in ubuntustudio
> 12.04 through 14.04
Unfortunately this is not the case with Ubuntu (not Ubuntu Studio). So
that is why I am posting to the Ubuntu Studio list, in order to find out
what is different in Studio, so I can simply configure whatever it is by
hand to work. And I appreciate you spending so much of your time trying
to help me!
> I got the interface specifically to use in Ubuntu... but 14.04 is
> having issues with it.
> presonus doenst officially support linux.. RME does AFAIK
I know, it says that on the FFADO page, but in the comments someone
mentioned that it did actually work 'out of the box' in Ubuntu 12.04, so
I figured I'd get it (12.04 is supported for long enough anyhow)
> To enable it in Studio 12.04
> there is no "enable" process for the firepod i have from presonus. it
> literally just runs when i have proper supported firewire chipsets
hmmm... you don't even need to start the mixer? I may try without
starting the mixer... but surely you need Jack, right?
Mike, I really appreciate all your patience and hard work in helping me
to resolve this issue with 14.04. either way, I am glad to have 12.04
working splendidly with it.
I always enjoy the process of getting some old 'broken' computer and
giving it new life with Ubuntu (or in some cases Debian or Fedora... and
once in a while Puppy).
Thanks for helping me turn this old Mac someone thought was useless into
a recording studio :)
I am not sure I can say thank you enough times, but I do really
appreciate your help!
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