[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 Beta 2 call for testing
Set Hallstrom
sakrecoer at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 07:33:48 UTC 2013
I will try to do this tomorrow. I have a very slow connection, so before
i download iso, please let me ask this question i can't get a 100%
answer to:
Can i test upgrade my 13.04 system by booting the iso, or do i need to
do a fresh install with it?
I want to do this on my dummybox for internet and field work, so there
is no worry about breaking things. (not the main production unit, but
not a Virtual machine)
Set H.
On 2013-09-24 10:37, Ho Wan Chan wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu Studio Developers, contributors and users,
> "Keep calm and test the images!" -- Ubuntu QA Team
> We are now close to our second and final beta release of Ubuntu Studio
> 13.10 (Saucy Salamander), and we want YOU to test for us.
> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/303/builds is the place
> where you follow the testcases and submit the results, simply choose
> "Ubuntu Studio <insert_your_architecture>", and follow the testcases. If
> you want a walkthrough, check out
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough.
> There are not many changes from Beta 1 to Beta 2 (except that we fixed 4
> bugs about upgrading). Changes in features can be found
> at http://ubuntustudio.org/2013/09/ubuntu-studio-13-10-saucy-salamander-beta-1-released/.
> So we want you to test the upgrades again, to see if there is any more
> bugs. (Of course you can report bugs in images too:))
> The images are always accessible at
> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current.
> For any inquiries, find us at ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com> or contact
> zequence/OvenWerks/smartboyhw in #ubuntustudio-devel on Freenode.
> Happy testing!
> Regards,
> Howard Chan (smartboyhw)
> Ubuntu Studio Release Manager
Set Hallstrom
AKA Sakrecoer
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