[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 77, Issue 4

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 03:50:53 UTC 2013

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Alex Armani <alex.armani at rocketmail.com>wrote:

>  What is the url to download the Athlon 64 bit studio 13.1o please. gonna
> stick it on my gigstick

i suggest not installing it..
if you want to test something, thats great.. if you want to help the team
do the tests that we need to have in order to officially release, see
http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ and find the relevant ubuntustudio iso s and test
cases.. otherwise, get a stable version, 12.04, 13.04 from
http://ubuntustudio.org/download/ ..thanks!

> --
>  Alex Armani - IT Consultant / Digital Musician
> +447972641526 - MYspace.com/Alex.Armani
>  www.facebook.com/Alex.Armani.01.UK
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* "ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com" <
> ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
> *To:* ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> *Sent:* Thursday, 5 September 2013, 13:00
> *Subject:* ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 77, Issue 4
> Send ubuntu-studio-users mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>   1.  13.o4 (Gord L Williams)
>   2. Re:  13.o4 (ZP)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 12:30:03 -0300
> From: Gord L Williams <info at gordlwilliams.com>
> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-users] 13.o4
> Message-ID: <522751FB.30407 at gordlwilliams.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Okay dudes, I have a perfect install of 13.o4 with everything working. Do
> you want me to try the upgrade, or just wipe it and install clean?
> ?--?
> ?Alex Armani - IT Consultant / Digital Musician?
> +447972641526?- MYspace.com/Alex.Armani
> ?www.newmatrixism.com
> Alex,  I use LTS versions only,  which are supported for a longer cycle.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS
>   Although they lack the latest software,  as in bleeding edge,  they are
> stable as they get.  I would suggest 12.04 LTS if you want to rock out for
> a while. 13.04 and anything non LTS has a shorter support cycle,  and
> usually when they fix it another version catches the attention of everyone
> and off they go,  to an extent.
> If your purpose is recording like mine is,  you can add the latest Ardour
> or Mixbus fairly easily to this stable base.  All other software is also
> subject to update,  as well.  In this way your wanting for little.
> Sometimes a software requires the latest version of the libraries (linux
> programs rely on them and often aren't compiled in the same way windows
> programs are,  and can be a bit more painful,  Windows programs will update
> the libraries at install - .net is one of them for instance.)
> The point is there is a decision to be made in most cases between bleeding
> edge and stable.  I opt for stable obviously and upgrade only what I
> absolutely need.  The alternative is to look for distributions that have
> done it for you.  Ubuntustudio is one, KXStudio is another and Dreamstudio
> is probably the most augmented in terms of software. Dreamstudio comes with
> the latest Ardour,  no need to install it.  But going the route of
> installing a distribution can be rather uneven in that respect.
> Distributions pick the software,  and for instance I have no idea what to
> do with Cinelerra or if I will do something with it.  Maybe if I do some
> local stuff on video.  Mostly I am voiceover by remote.  Not my precise
> purpose, see what I mean?
> For digital music,  your probably fine with Ubuntustudio.  Me I am a voice
> over artist and tend to tear down or erase a lot of the synth stuff as it
> does not apply.  I do a little photography,  so I keep that.
> I suppose I just can't find an ideal distribution without what many call
> 'bloat'.  I tried at one point to go with a plain ubuntu distribution and
> customize it,  but that got off the rails rather quickly.  From what I see
> you might be able to manage it,  and that may be the ultimate route for you.
> Good luck.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 12:06:25 -0600
> From: ZP <zukeprime at gmail.com>
> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] 13.o4
> Message-ID: <522776A1.6070906 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 09/04/2013 09:30 AM, Gord L Williams wrote:
> > Okay dudes, I have a perfect install of 13.o4 with everything working.
> > Do you want me to try the upgrade, or just wipe it and install clean?
> > ?--?
> > ?Alex Armani - IT Consultant / Digital Musician?
> > +447972641526?- MYspace.com/Alex.Armani
> > ?www.newmatrixism.com
> >
> > Alex,  I use LTS versions only,  which are supported for a longer
> > cycle.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS   Although they lack the latest
> > software,  as in bleeding edge,  they are stable as they get.  I would
> > suggest 12.04 LTS if you want to rock out for a while. 13.04 and
> > anything non LTS has a shorter support cycle, and usually when they
> > fix it another version catches the attention of everyone and off they
> > go,  to an extent.
> >
> > If your purpose is recording like mine is,  you can add the latest
> > Ardour or Mixbus fairly easily to this stable base.  All other
> > software is also subject to update,  as well.  In this way your
> > wanting for little.  Sometimes a software requires the latest version
> > of the libraries (linux programs rely on them and often aren't
> > compiled in the same way windows programs are,  and can be a bit more
> > painful,  Windows programs will update the libraries at install - .net
> > is one of them for instance.)
> >
> > The point is there is a decision to be made in most cases between
> > bleeding edge and stable.  I opt for stable obviously and upgrade only
> > what I absolutely need.  The alternative is to look for distributions
> > that have done it for you.  Ubuntustudio is one, KXStudio is another
> > and Dreamstudio is probably the most augmented in terms of software.
> > Dreamstudio comes with the latest Ardour, no need to install it.  But
> > going the route of installing a distribution can be rather uneven in
> > that respect.  Distributions pick the software,  and for instance I
> > have no idea what to do with Cinelerra or if I will do something with
> > it.  Maybe if I do some local stuff on video.  Mostly I am voiceover
> > by remote.  Not my precise purpose, see what I mean?
> >
> > For digital music,  your probably fine with Ubuntustudio.  Me I am a
> > voice over artist and tend to tear down or erase a lot of the synth
> > stuff as it does not apply.  I do a little photography,  so I keep that.
> >
> > I suppose I just can't find an ideal distribution without what many
> > call 'bloat'.  I tried at one point to go with a plain ubuntu
> > distribution and customize it,  but that got off the rails rather
> > quickly.  From what I see you might be able to manage it, and that may
> > be the ultimate route for you.
> >
> > Good luck.
> >
> >
> Gord, I could be off the mark here...but I believe he was asking about
> testing Studio 13.10, which was announced a little earlier in the list.
> |ZP|
> ------------------------------
> --
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> ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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> End of ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 77, Issue 4
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mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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