[ubuntu-studio-users] Need a CLI command to recursively copy my home folder.

Thomas Orgis thomas-forum at orgis.org
Thu Oct 31 15:15:33 UTC 2013

Am Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:05:07 +0000 (GMT)
schrieb Alex Armani <alex.armani at rocketmail.com>: 

> What I'd like to do, is copy all the contents of home/alex to sda7 then remove sda6, move sda7 so that it is next to sda2 and install UB13.10 from scratch. 
> So I figure I can login as guest, CTRL ALT 2, login as alex, mount sda7, and then use a single cli command to copy everything in my home partition to sda7, but I don't know what the commands to do this are. 

The easiest command is

cp -a /source /destination

This copies directories recursively and preserves ownership,
permissions and time stamps. Another, more traditional method (back
from when GNU cp wasn't that helpful) is to create an archive:

tar -cf /destination/archive.tar /source

Both commands work best as root in case there are files with diverse
ownership. Otherwise, running as the owning user is fine.

> I'm not looking to have my home partition on sda7, I just want to backup all my pics / videos /music / downloads so I can start again. 

You know ... for having a backup ... creating backups is an idea;-)

Alrighty then,

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