[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 78, Issue 25

Alex Armani alex.armani at rocketmail.com
Thu Oct 24 00:14:49 UTC 2013

Best won eva. 64 bit Zulubuntu Studio 13.1o LTS
The Psychotic Sasquatch Bjorn / The Hobbit.
 Alex Armani - IT Consultant / Digital Musician 
+447972641526 - MYspace.com/Alex.Armani

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013, 13:00, "ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com" <ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
Send ubuntu-studio-users mailing list submissions to
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>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re:  Ubuntu Studio 13.10 released (leo)
>Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:38:24 -0700 (PDT)
>From: leo <leokn at yahoo.com>
>To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
>    <ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 released
>    <1382456304.60820.YahooMailNeo at web162302.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Oh man, you people are awesome!! I am more and more loving this Linux (e.g., Ubuntu) world.
>?I'm all fired up this morning (I even haven't performed my morning meditation yet) to look
>into and implement your wonderful ideas. Back in my Windows days I sometimes wrote simple batch files; now here I am again, willing to learn in this case the fine art of scripting in Linux. This is groovy.
>?And Mr. Ralf, I like your satire. I laughed and squirted tears.
>"The darker the night, the easier to see the stars."
>On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2:59 AM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:
>On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 09:29 +0100, Angel de Vicente wrote:
>> leo <leokn at yahoo.com> writes:
>> > Right now I am trying to figure out the best regimen for what exactly, and how, to make backups.
>> > I have a handful of 4GB and 32GB SanDisk thumbdrives, and my 2 SATA hard drives, and Ubuntu One, as well as DropBox.
>> http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live.php
>From another installed Linux I run a script and copy the complete
>install to a compressed tar archive to an external USB HDD. I also made
>backups of the drives MBRs. If you use wildcards take care about
>You could copy installs and data from your SATA 1 to your SATA 2 and
>vice versa, but this isn't a backup by definition. A backups has to be
>done to an external device. Thumbdrives aren't save backup medias.
>I wouldn't use a cloud to store any private data. Sure the NSA has got
>backups of what is stored by dropbox, so theoretically if your drives
>should fail and the drives of the dopbox servers should fail, the NSA
>could provide a backup for you, but in reality they don't give it to
>you. Remember the journalist who called the NSA and ask them to sent him
>the stored mail he deleted "by accident" on his machine. You might say,
>but there are not only backups of clouds available by the NSA, they are
>also available by different mafias, sure, but likely you don't have a
>phone number to call them and ask them to help you, if if your drives
>should fail and the drives of the dopbox servers too.
># bash bak_q_arch
>function stopwatch_start
>? STARTED=$(date +%s)
>? if [ "$A_STARTED" = "" ] ; then
>? ? echo ; echo -n "$BACKUP backup started at "; date -d @$STARTED
>? else
>? ? echo "$BACKUP backup starting now."
>? fi
>function stopwatch_stop
>? DONE=$(date +%s)
>? ((MIN=(DONE-STARTED)/60)) ; ((SEC=(DONE-STARTED)%60))
>? for ((i=1; i<=$SPACE; i++)) ; do echo -n " " ; done
>? echo -n "? ? ? ? ?  done at "; date -d @$DONE
>? printf "attended time: %3d:%02d\n" $MIN $SEC ; echo
>cpufreq-set -g ondemand
>mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR_Q; #mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR_A
>echo "Mount /media/u1.linux?  Backup partition"
>#echo "? ? ? /media/data2? ? ? Backup partition 2 for MBRs"
>#echo "? ? ? /media/q? ? ? ? ? Ubuntu Quantal"
>echo "? ? ? /media/archlinux? Arch Linux including mails"
>#echo "? ? ? /media/archlinux? Arch Linux /home including mails"
>echo "and press enter to continue."
>read any_pushed_key
>BACKUP_NAME_ADD=$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
>#BACKUP="Ubuntu Quantal"
>#cd /media/q
>#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/ubuntu_q_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.bak.tar.gz *
>#dd if=/dev/sda of=MBR_sda-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
>#dd if=/dev/sdb of=MBR_sdb-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
>#dd if=/dev/sdc of=MBR_sdc-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
>#dd if=/dev/sda of=MBR_sda-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
>#dd if=/dev/sdb of=MBR_sdb-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
>#dd if=/dev/sdc of=MBR_sdc-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
>BACKUP="Arch Linux"
>cd /media/archlinux
>tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.bak.tar.gz * .chuser
>#cp -p home/rocketmouse/winOS/matrix-1000-
>#BACKUP="Arch Linux .chuser"
>#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.chu.tar.gz .chuser
>#BACKUP="Arch Linux /home excluding vdis"
>#cd /media/archlinux/home
>#tar --exclude=winOS.vdi --exclude=systemd.vdi -czf
>$BACKUP_DIR_Q/arch_home_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.bak.tar.gz *
>#cp -p /media/music/quantal/02song.a/start-session start-session_
>#BACKUP="Arch Linux winOS.vdi"
>#cd /media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse/VirtualBox\ VMs/winOS
>#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.osv.tar.gz winOS.vdi
>#BACKUP="Arch Linux systemd.vdi"
>#cd /media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse/VirtualBox\ VMs/systemd
>#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.syv.tar.gz systemd.vdi
>echo ; echo -n "First backup started at "; date -d @$A_STARTED
>echo -n? ? ? ? "Last? backup? ? done at "; date -d @$DONE
>printf "attended time for all backups: %3d:%02d\n" $MIN $SEC ; echo
>exit 0
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>ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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>End of ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 78, Issue 25
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