[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 released

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Oct 22 08:58:36 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 09:29 +0100, Angel de Vicente wrote:
> leo <leokn at yahoo.com> writes:
> > Right now I am trying to figure out the best regimen for what exactly, and how, to make backups.
> > I have a handful of 4GB and 32GB SanDisk thumbdrives, and my 2 SATA hard drives, and Ubuntu One, as well as DropBox.
> http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live.php

>From another installed Linux I run a script and copy the complete
install to a compressed tar archive to an external USB HDD. I also made
backups of the drives MBRs. If you use wildcards take care about

You could copy installs and data from your SATA 1 to your SATA 2 and
vice versa, but this isn't a backup by definition. A backups has to be
done to an external device. Thumbdrives aren't save backup medias.

I wouldn't use a cloud to store any private data. Sure the NSA has got
backups of what is stored by dropbox, so theoretically if your drives
should fail and the drives of the dopbox servers should fail, the NSA
could provide a backup for you, but in reality they don't give it to
you. Remember the journalist who called the NSA and ask them to sent him
the stored mail he deleted "by accident" on his machine. You might say,
but there are not only backups of clouds available by the NSA, they are
also available by different mafias, sure, but likely you don't have a
phone number to call them and ask them to help you, if if your drives
should fail and the drives of the dopbox servers too.

# bash bak_q_arch


function stopwatch_start
  STARTED=$(date +%s)
  if [ "$A_STARTED" = "" ] ; then
    echo ; echo -n "$BACKUP backup started at "; date -d @$STARTED
    echo "$BACKUP backup starting now."

function stopwatch_stop
  DONE=$(date +%s)
  for ((i=1; i<=$SPACE; i++)) ; do echo -n " " ; done
  echo -n "           done at "; date -d @$DONE
  printf "attended time: %3d:%02d\n" $MIN $SEC ; echo

cpufreq-set -g ondemand
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR_Q; #mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR_A
echo "Mount /media/u1.linux   Backup partition"
#echo "      /media/data2      Backup partition 2 for MBRs"
#echo "      /media/q          Ubuntu Quantal"
echo "      /media/archlinux  Arch Linux including mails"
#echo "      /media/archlinux  Arch Linux /home including mails"
echo "and press enter to continue."
read any_pushed_key

BACKUP_NAME_ADD=$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
#BACKUP="Ubuntu Quantal"
#cd /media/q
#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/ubuntu_q_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.bak.tar.gz *

#dd if=/dev/sda of=MBR_sda-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
#dd if=/dev/sdb of=MBR_sdb-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
#dd if=/dev/sdc of=MBR_sdc-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
#dd if=/dev/sda of=MBR_sda-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
#dd if=/dev/sdb of=MBR_sdb-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1
#dd if=/dev/sdc of=MBR_sdc-$BACKUP_NAME_ADD bs=512 count=1

BACKUP="Arch Linux"
cd /media/archlinux
tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.bak.tar.gz * .chuser
#cp -p home/rocketmouse/winOS/matrix-1000-

#BACKUP="Arch Linux .chuser"
#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.chu.tar.gz .chuser

#BACKUP="Arch Linux /home excluding vdis"
#cd /media/archlinux/home
#tar --exclude=winOS.vdi --exclude=systemd.vdi -czf
$BACKUP_DIR_Q/arch_home_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.bak.tar.gz *

#cp -p /media/music/quantal/02song.a/start-session start-session_

#BACKUP="Arch Linux winOS.vdi"
#cd /media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse/VirtualBox\ VMs/winOS
#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.osv.tar.gz winOS.vdi

#BACKUP="Arch Linux systemd.vdi"
#cd /media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse/VirtualBox\ VMs/systemd
#tar czf $BACKUP_DIR_Q/archlinux_$BACKUP_NAME_ADD.syv.tar.gz systemd.vdi

echo ; echo -n "First backup started at "; date -d @$A_STARTED
echo -n        "Last  backup    done at "; date -d @$DONE
printf "attended time for all backups: %3d:%02d\n" $MIN $SEC ; echo

exit 0

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