[ubuntu-studio-users] Diversity

George DiceGeorge dicegeorge at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 7 12:31:08 UTC 2013

why doesnt wordwrap work for me on this email?
is it just me?

From: Gord Williams 
Sent: Monday, 07 October, 2013 01:20
To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com 
Subject: [ubuntu-studio-users] Diversity

I appreciate the diversity of the distriution even though I don't use everything. I still make new discoveries of applications and some of them I will use, others not. The hard part for a distribution is what to include
and not and why. I use Kdenlive, others use OpenShot or Cinerella. Which to choose or include them all and get the 'bloatware' stamp? I think 14.04 will make the choices easier for users while still providing an easy startup OS for someone new.

Jimmy,  we xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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