[ubuntu-studio-users] Supercollider a fork?

Bruno Ruviaro bruviaro at scu.edu
Sun Oct 6 15:42:02 UTC 2013

Hi Gord,
If I may disagree, SuperCollider is in the same family of software as
PureData (Pd) and Max/MSP. Except it is based on "regular" text-based
programming as opposed to "visual" programming. SuperCollider users use it
for anything from music composition in studio to live electronics on stage,
as well as sound design, etc. So it is not at all limited to "developer
space", quite the contrary: most SC users I know are artists and musicians
making music with it.
Besides, UbuntuStudio does include PureData, so I see no conceptual reason
not to include SuperCollider as well.

On Sunday, October 6, 2013, Pete Wright wrote:

> Hi, Gord and Howard,
> I think the fact that all sorts of creative folks can use Ubuntu Studio
> "out of the box" is a great thing.
> Special tools and emphases can be added by the user.
> Unless one is running really ancient hardware, there should be no need to
> subtract anything; Howard, et al, do a great job of making sure everything
> works with everything else. That is a terrific boon to us mere mortal users.
> So rather than fork, let us continue to have a tool with many tines.
> And thanks again to Howard and his team.
> Onward and upward!
> Pete
> On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Ho Wan Chan <smartboyhw at gmail.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'smartboyhw at gmail.com');>
> > wrote:
>> Hello Gord,
>> 2013/10/6 Gord Williams <info at gordlwilliams.com <javascript:_e({},
>> 'cvml', 'info at gordlwilliams.com');>>:
>> > This is appropriately named as it does collide with the intent of
>> > Ubuntustudio which is a ready made studio for artists and musicians.
>> This
>> > is a development environment,   and although its specific to the needs
>> of
>> > people who would use these programs its not quite in the user space,
>>  its in
>> > developer space.
>> >
>> > Perhaps its appropriate at some point for Ubuntustudio to consider
>> forks.
>> > Ubuntustudio -dev  - would cover it.   Personally I would like to see
>> > Ubuntustudio voice - for tracking and mastering voice projects.
>>  Weeding out
>> > synths and guitar boxes takes quite a bit of time after an install.
>> Um, I believe that just makes Ubuntu Studio hard to use for everybody...
>> >
>> > Another thing I would like to see is to pick the flavour of desktop.
>> Which
>> > would probably not need a fork,  but if so  mine would be Ubuntustudio -
>> > gnome.   I will let everyone else argue that Ubuntustudio - LXDE,
>>  Unity,
>> > or whatever is the best.   My pencils are on the left side of my desk,
>>  and
>> > they stay there!  ;>
>> We ARE planning that for Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS (or later versions).
>> Actually we've been working on that, but it does take time.
>> >
>> > Of course those who wish the whole thing if the forks were adopted
>> could go
>> > for - Ubuntustudio - all.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
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>> > ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
>> 'ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com');>
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>> >
>> Regards,
>> Howard Chan (smartboyhw)
>> Ubuntu Studio Release Manager
>> --
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