trouble with fast track c400

Raphael Santos raphaelss at
Tue May 21 13:25:39 UTC 2013


The device is recognized properly and I can select it in QJackctl, but
when I try to start jack it fails with the following message:

Tue May 21 09:47:13 2013: ERROR: cannot register object path
"/org/freedesktop/ReserveDevice1/Audio1": A handler is already
registered for /org/freedesktop/ReserveDevice1/Audio1

Tue May 21 09:47:13 2013: ERROR: Failed to acquire device
name : Audio1 error : A handler is already registered for

Tue May 21 09:47:13 2013: ERROR: Audio device hw:1 cannot be

Tue May 21 09:47:13 2013: ERROR: Cannot initialize driver

Tue May 21 09:47:13 2013: ERROR: JackServer::Open failed with -1

Tue May 21 09:47:13 2013: ERROR: Failed to open server

09:47:17.128 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall
operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the
messages window for more info.

I've googled the problem and it seems common, but I haven't found a
solution. Does anyone have some advice?
Thank you

Raphael Santos

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