Xfce menu Ubuntu Quantal

Andrew Huys musiek.sparta.nc at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 22:55:08 UTC 2013

On 03/22/2013 01:46 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-03-22 at 13:41 -0400, Lawrence H. Bulk wrote:
>> It is easy to have new programs show up in the menu in Xfce.
>> 1. Install the new program (either from within your enabled
>> repositories or directly from the program's web site [e.g. Ubuntu
>> Tweak, Dropbox, etc.])
>> 2. Determine where the "execute" command is located; often this is in
>> a "hidden" file in your home folder
>> 3. Open the Settings Manager, click on Main Menu, and navigate to the
>> folder in which you want the program to appear (Accessories,
>> Development, etc.)
>> 4. Click on New Item. The Create Launcher dialog box will appear.
>> 5. Enter the program's name; often this will be sufficient and all the
>> other necessary information will be automatically added
>> 6. If this information is not added, you will have to manually add it
>> yourself
>> 7. Once all information is added and you have clicked on Create,
>> scroll down the list in the folder and look for the program
>> 8. Make certain that a) the program is checked and b) the name appears
>> in regular font (not italicized). After checking the program, you may
>> have to wait a few seconds for the program's name to appear in regular
>> font
>> 9. At that point, when everything is done, close out the Settings
>> Manager and go to your Applications menu and the subfolder in which
>> you placed the new program. Find the program and click on it to make
>> sure you have entered all information correctly and that the program
>> starts normally. (If it doesn't, you'll have to go back and start all
>> over again)
>> 10. If you wish, you can create a Launcher in your bottom panel for
>> the program
>> I hope that this information is of some use to you.
> Often an icon isn't used by the Xfce menu or entries can't be sorted in
> the order I want them to show up etc. pp., i really need to know where
> the config files are. I already know how to configer the Xfce menu this
> way.
> "Main menu" is the app named "Alacarte". The funny thing is, that
> Alacart does show the correct icons and the wanted order of the apps,
> but what you see for Alacarte, aka main menu, isn't what you get for the
> menu, at least not all the times.

ALACARTE rarely works for me.  According to it, I have a normal XFCE 
menu.  When I open main menu, I actually see something closer to 
ubuntustudio default menus...

So I don't even use it.  I have mapped the [win] key on my laptop to 
xfrun4 and just launch everything that way...

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