Western Digital external drives

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Fri Mar 15 16:09:32 UTC 2013

On Fri, 2013-03-15 at 11:52 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:
> All drives fail. I have actually had the best luck with wd brand..
> though I'm sure chance could be just as much a factor as anything
> else.


I searched online and WD seems to be a good solution, but I missed a lot
of information, after I got the drive, I found a lot of contrary claims.

As I already mentioned before. What was valid for model A revison B with
good or bad luck seldom is valid for a general claim about products from
a vendor. Just a few vendors are known to be less good than other
vendors, but I can't say what vendors that are regarding to HDDs.

I even don't have a valid statistic for my personal experiences.

One year I'm jobless or working at home, a girlfriend visiting me often
so the drives are on 24/7, the other year I've got a job outside, I more
often visit a girlfriend, so I turn the computer more often on and off.
Drives most of the times die regarding to the count of spinning up and

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