Western Digital external drives

Pete Wright pnwright at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 15:59:53 UTC 2013

There are some viruses/trojans out there that make it seem that your
HARDWARE is progressively failing: notifcation that drive is failing, etc.
Even the DVD drive doors may refuse to function from time to time, but not
all the time. On Win machines, don't know about other OS.
This gets worse with each reboot.
I was unable to get rid of this on one Windows machine, which became
unusable, seemingly worn out.
I "repaired" it by wiping the drive and installing Ubuntu.
BTW I use four old WD Mybooks, 500 gig each. Only one has failed (so far,
knock wood).

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 8:52 AM, Mike Holstein <mikeh789 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Friday, March 15, 2013, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2013-03-15 at 06:55 -0400, Andrew Huys wrote:
> >> "Ok 1. Buy Seagate drives in future. Good guarantees and built
> >> properly. By comparison WD drives are made from sheep sh** and mud!"
> >>
> >> Agreed.  I've got a WD 1TB drive in the 2nd HDD bay on my Lenovo T 61p
> >> laptop, and a 120GB Seagate in the primary bay.  The Seagate is
> >> silent, spins up and down reliably, "soft parks" and is just generally
> >> a joy to use.  The WD on the other hand is loud, spins erratically,
> >> and spinning down?  DON'T LET IT!  If it does, try to access > wait
> >> about 30 seconds > WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR > "Filesystem Remounted"...
> >> If I unmount the drive, sometimes, it will continue to run at full
> >> speed for a few hours, for no apparent reason.
> >
> > It might be that the WD drive I own will be a bad drive, it's just 2
> > weeks old, so I don't have experiences, but I can't confirm that it's
> > noisy. It's the first drive I own that is quasi _inaudible_ when awake
> > and I've got a very good hearing. It's 30 cm away from my right ear on a
> > wooden table, a very good resonator.
> >
> >> Lesson learned?
> >> -I'll stick to Seagate.
> >> -Or Hitachi
> >
> > Don't! Stay to exactly the models and revisions of Seagate and Hitachi
> > drives that you know as being good. I experienced Seagate/Maxtor and
> > several other drives, perhaps Hitachi too, I don't remember, as bad,
> > just my Samsung are very good. Even if you should order the same model,
> > you can't ensure to get the same revision. However, I don't clami that
> > Samsung in general is good, the drives I own are very good.
> >
> >> As far as working on drives goes, GPtd can do just about everything
> >> you need.
> >> I would also reccamend gsmartcontrol (sudo apt-get install
> >> gsmartcontrol), a graphical SMART data reader.  Just helpful to check
> >> and see what's going on with the drive.  Also fun to check "new" HDD
> >> with.  My 1TB WD out of the box came with 3 G-Sense errors...
> >
> > I'm aware of all the tools, but that doesn't solve the issues caused by
> > a service that touches the drive and makes it spin up.
> >
> > And don't confuse internal drives with external USB 2 drives.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ralf
> >
> >
> > --
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> All drives fail. I have actually had the best luck with wd brand.. though
> I'm sure chance could be just as much a factor as anything else.
> --
> MH
> mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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