Western Digital external drives
Andrew Huys
musiek.sparta.nc at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 10:55:48 UTC 2013
/"Ok 1. Buy Seagate drives in future. Good guarantees and built
properly. By comparison WD drives are made from sheep sh** and mud!"/
Agreed. I've got a WD 1TB drive in the 2nd HDD bay on my Lenovo T 61p
laptop, and a 120GB Seagate in the primary bay. The Seagate is silent,
spins up and down reliably, "soft parks" and is just generally a joy to
use. The WD on the other hand is loud, spins erratically, and spinning
down? DON'T LET IT! If it does, try to access > wait about 30 seconds
> WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR > "Filesystem Remounted"... If I unmount
the drive, sometimes, it will continue to run at full speed for a few
hours, for no apparent reason.
Lesson learned?
-I'll stick to Seagate.
-Or Hitachi (if you can find them). In my previous laptop, an
IBM/Lenovo T43p, I had a Hitachi Travelstar with the APS enabled (there
is/was a pacckage in the repositories) and that was a wonderful setup.
It would park the drive if the computer accelerometer detected that the
computer was moving. Saved my files a couple of times when I was doing
mobile recording and people tripped on cables...
As far as working on drives goes, GPtd can do just about everything you
I would also reccamend gsmartcontrol (sudo apt-get install
gsmartcontrol), a graphical SMART data reader. Just helpful to check
and see what's going on with the drive. Also fun to check "new" HDD
with. My 1TB WD /out of the box/ came with 3 G-Sense errors...
On 03/14/2013 11:20 PM, Anthony Hall wrote:
> Ok 1. Buy Seagate drives in future. Good guarantees and built
> properly. By comparison WD drives are made from sheep sh** and mud!
> You can test your drive by setting it as a slave drive (secondary)
> drive in your machine. It's easy enough to set it as such in the bios.
> Then, open 'Gparted' and run a benchmark test. It comes packaged with
> studio. If it's not working, do everything, format it, erase
> partitions, change the filesystem to ext4.... You name it! If it's
> bust what have you got to lose? Might as well learn how to use Gparted.
> I've never rescued a bust drive yet. I tend to find they are
> mechanically sound or they are not.
> Have fun but avoid hammers... they are very bad for hard drives ;) p
> On Mar 14, 2013 3:29 PM, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
> <mailto:ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>> wrote:
> Hallo,
> in the German WD forms I got a reply, with the claim, that once a WD
> Elements is spin down, it will park, _not_ spin up again, if
> there's no
> access.
> For my updated Quantal, 64-bit with current kernel lowlatency from the
> repos and a self-build kernel-rt 3.6, running current Xfce 4 the drive
> does spin down and up again and again even when _no_ partition is
> mounted, I'm running a Xfce 4 session without an application launched,
> while I don't use the computer.
> So with completely no access by me,
> - Quantal _does_ access the drive, even if no partition is mounted
> - or I got a brand new drive that's broken and should make use of the
> warranty
> How can I find out, if there's something fishy with my Quantal or if
> the drive is broken?
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Ralf
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