Help with WIFI on HP Mini 110-1030CA

Lawrence H. Bulk lhbcomm at
Tue Jul 23 13:10:05 UTC 2013

If you cannot go into the top panel to ensure that <Enable Wi-Fi> is
activated, and function keys do not work, then go into the Settings
Manager->Users and Groups->Advanced Settings (enter computer's
password)->User Privileges. Check each and every option and then accept.
(If you do not see an Apply or Accept button at the bottom, click on Tab,
then click on Right Arrow, then hit Enter.) Close the Advanced Settings by
hitting Enter, then go back in to make sure that your changes were
accepted. If they are, close out everything, restart your computer, and see
if you then have Wi-Fi connectivity and/or the option to activate same.

If all this does not work, then I'm afraid I am at a loss to help you.
Someone a lot smarter than I will have to step in. But I can tell you that
there is probably some simple solution to this problem (EVERYTHING in Linux
is simple once you know the answer!) so do not give up. There is certainly
a way to have your computer connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Ryan Thompson <ryandmsthompson at>wrote:

> Unfortunately, I don't even have the option to activate wifi in my network
> options.  I've tried manually creating one but no luck there.  Any thoughts?
> On 2013-07-22 6:08 PM, "Lawrence H. Bulk" <lhbcomm at> wrote:
>> I should also mention that you should go to the top panel and open the
>> network connection icon. Make sure that <Enable Wi-Fi> is activated.
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Ryan Thompson <ryandmsthompson at
>> > wrote:
>>>  On 13-07-22 09:35 AM, Lawrence H. Bulk wrote:
>>>  It is possible that your netbook has a <FN + {key}> (may be F11)
>>> combination necessary to activate its Wi-Fi; both of my netbooks do. Try
>>> looking it up for your particular netbook or just try all the combinations
>>> to see if one works. Also make certain that your BIOS is set to its default
>>> settings.
>>>  Hope that helps ...
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