Sorry for spamming.

Alf Haakon Lund alf at
Thu Jul 18 19:14:47 UTC 2013

This post made me check out what I actually deleted the other day.

I'm skimming posts because there are many, reading what looks 
interesting and deleting those looking irrelevant to me. It's a method I 
recommend instead of making public complaints as it requires less energy 
and is a lot faster.

So Alex, we all make mistakes, don't worry (be happy).


On 18. juli 2013 10:28, Alex Armani wrote:
> I purposely didn't reveal the location, but thought it was kinda
> relevant since I am offering Ubuntu Studio a cheaper alternative to
> Windows 7, and we all know that is it better. Sorry, won't do it
> again. From Alex. --
> tB.xx

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