[ubuntu-studio-users] Libre Office for Ubuntu Studio

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Fri Aug 2 10:12:35 UTC 2013

I would remove Libre Office and install AbiWord. IMO it doesn't matter
what Office software is installed, it's easy to remove and/or install
other office software. Keep in mind that AbiWord is the default for
Xubuntu, so it's less work to make the distro. The smaller the DVD image
is, the faster we can download it. In the past I used Open Office, but I
switched to AbiWord, since Open/Libre Office is to bloated for my needs.
Regarding to the need of RAM and CPU resources it shouldn't make a
difference, since I guess nobody need to run it during an audio

IMO Nano-Basket, an editor for the much used KORG nanoKONTROL and
JSynthLib, an editor for several hardware synth, are more useful for
most of us, than heavy office software.

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