Hi folks. which is best desquetop to use with buntu

Andrew Huys musiek.sparta.nc at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 02:03:16 UTC 2012

On 9/22/12 5:42 PM, Azarel Howard wrote:
> I'm going to put my neck out and say Unity. If you're going to use the 
> Ubuntu name then.... don't mess with the foundation more than is 
> needed especially the UI. :) Move the launcher to the bottom by all 
> means but... don't roll back to Gnome2
> I've been 'using' Ubuntu Studio for about a week now (haven't actually 
> used the software for recording or anything yet but I've started 
> customizing it and adding my personal software bits) Going back to the 
> Gnome2 interface from Pre-Ubuntu 10.04 was a disaster. It's not 
> logical let's put it this way. If you're going to have a launcher the 
> applications should minimize to there not to the top of the screen! :|
> Also the login screen needs to be able to detect when you've installed 
> other GUI's cause Unity isn't coming up as a login option.
> Well that's my 20c :)
> Get the feeling I'm one of the minority that actually likes the new 
> Unity interface and dislikes Gnome but... we all have our own tastes.
> azariah
"If you're going to have a launcher the applications should minimize to 
there not to the top of the screen! :|"

One of the advantages of XFCE is that it is highly customizable.  It is 
possible to move the Window Buttons to the bottom of the screen. Check 
out <http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09052012-121814pm.php#>

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