Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Beta 1 Image testing

Melvin Ray Herr stilllearninmobile at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 13:59:08 UTC 2012

Thanks for the clarification.
On Sep 6, 2012 9:20 AM, "Mike Holstein" <mikeh789 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 9:14 AM, Melvin Ray Herr <
> stilllearnin at thettpost.com> wrote:
>> Seems to me that just one day available for testing is not enough. What
>> about those of us who would like to test but absolutely couldn't get it
>> worked into our schedule in the minuscule amount of time between the call
>> for testers and the release?
>> The previous release doesn't work very well on my machines. On my laptop
>> it chews up the battery at about 4-5 times the rate that windows does. On
>> my desktop with multiple monitors the screen layout isn't saved between
>> reboots.
>> I was wanting to test this one but the testing period blew by in a flash.
> feel free to go ahead and test and file bugs relating to your specific
> hardware case. these tests are for us to be able to officially release the
> operating system installation CD's... they get built when they are ready,
> and the tests are due on a schedule. this doesnt mean things you test and
> report as bugs wont get looked at.
> On Sep 6, 2012 6:04 AM, "Ho Wan Chan" <smartboyhw at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Oh news:)
>>> The Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Beta 1 Builds have been marked ready.
>>> So thank you Len Ovenwerks :)
>>> Anyway, but then, please still use the ISO QA Tracker to help test OTHER
>>> flavours. Since Ubuntu Studio is the ONLY one marked ready, please do help
>>> test other builds, especially those with no results reported.:)
>>> Just go to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com to test the flavours (make sure you
>>> click "Quantal Beta 1")
>>> Thanks:)
>>> Next email to Ubuntu Testers: A new ISO QA Tracker for localized builds!
>>> 2012/9/5 Ho Wan Chan <smartboyhw at gmail.com>
>>>> Er, a additional remark that was requested by Mike Holstein.
>>>> To download the build which is ACCEPTED in the ISO QA Tracker, go to
>>>> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds/22562/downloads
>>>> Testcases can be found in:
>>>> http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopWhole
>>>> http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession
>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UbuntuStudio
>>>> So download from the first link, follow the instructions on the three
>>>> other links and report the result in ISO QA Tracker.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Howard Chan (smartboyhw @ Freenode)
>>>> 2012/9/5 Ho Wan Chan <smartboyhw at gmail.com>
>>>>> Dear Ubuntu Studio contributors, developers, users and Ubuntu testers,
>>>>> I hereby invite everybody to test Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Beta 1 Image.
>>>>> If you do have tested the previous images of Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Beta
>>>>> 1 (before 20120905) you would have experienced quite a number of
>>>>> bugs, thanks to Len Ovenwerks for reporting them (strangely the internet
>>>>> speed has been so slow before today that I have not been able to test the
>>>>> amd64 images). But then most of the bugs have been fixed, and I think it is
>>>>> a good moment to invite everybody to test.
>>>>> Today and tomorrow will be very important, since tomorrow 12.10 Beta 1
>>>>> will be officially released.
>>>>> Please download the image from
>>>>> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/ and test the
>>>>> image. Report any bugs by typing "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" in the terminal
>>>>> emulator if you encountered the bug when installing. Then go to
>>>>> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds, click
>>>>> Ubuntu Studio "the architecture which you tested", then report either a
>>>>> pass or failed result for ubiquity and the live session.
>>>>> If you wish to find any help on testing, find me on #ubuntu-testing or
>>>>> #ubuntustudio-devel at irc.freenode.net. Also Len Ovenwerks (len-dt @
>>>>> #ubuntustudio-devel), Janne Jokitalo (astraljava @ #ubuntu-testing and
>>>>> #ubuntustudio-devel), Scott Lavender (scott-work @ #ubuntustudio-devel), or
>>>>> Nicholas Skaggs (balloons @ #ubuntu-testing).
>>>>> If you had any problems you can feel free to write an email to the
>>>>> Ubuntu Studio development mailing list at
>>>>> ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>>> Finally I wish you a success in testing:)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Howard Chan (smartboyhw @ freenode)
>>>>> Ubuntu Studio Team Member, Ubuntu Testing Team Member
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