gtk apps in xfce ubuntustudio

Art Slurry info at
Mon Sep 10 20:33:21 UTC 2012

On 09/10/2012 03:07 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Thank you. 

You're most welcome.

I was having a little trouble with the scrollbar in firefox, so I did a 
little more

I have no idea what I'm doing, but the following seems to work with 
every theme I've tried so far, consistently in both the gtk and xfce apps.

If the theme is not already in ~/.themes , copy it there (chown to you)
If it's not in /usr/share/themes copy it there (chown to root)

get gtk-chtheme from the repositories

when changing themes, go to settings>settings manager>appearance
change the theme there

menu > system > gtk-chtheme
select the theme from there as well

I don't know why it's important to change it both places, but it works.

I've had zero problems with the following themes so far from, all dark themes

Sway RED

Hoping that helps someone somehow,

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