radeon - How to set up resoluton and frequency?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Mon Oct 15 13:43:26 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-10-15 at 09:07 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI is what I have
> used. Either just the "additonal drivers" gui or the command line. I
> have an nvidia card where setting the resolution was problematic for
> me, so I use a custom xorg.conf. I grabbed this config from a knoppix
> live cd running on the hardware in question and edited a few things. 
> Is the gui working for you to install the driver? If so, does it
> generate its own xorg.conf? Have you tried the xorg.conf you are
> troubleshooting with the vesa driver?

Hi Mike :)

Catalyst never worked with my ATI (mobo M2A-VM HDMI with an integrated
Radeon X1250-based graphics) and in the past 3D didn't work with the
open source driver. 3D now does work with the radeon driver. I've got a
NVIDIA GeForce 7200GS, but unmounted the graphics some days ago and
switched back to the X1250-based graphics. It's a balancing act what
graphics to use. Each upgrade of X stuff could interfere with audio,
disable and/or enable functionality of the graphics etc..

I didn't test Catalyst with Precise (and Quantal RC). This will be the
next step today, but first I've got to solve another computer user
issue, I've to decide, if I'll cook or if I'll warm some junk food ;).
To be continued ...

Thank you,

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